Monday, November 30, 2009

Some S*** I've been up to

As I said before, I WILL NOT POST AN MAYA SPRINGBOARD STUFF. this is just for random quips until I get into the real classes in the coming up weeks.

As of right now, my life is going very well, in fact, almost too well. so, naturally, nature decided to humble me and remind me of my own mortality. Last Saturday, a member of my high school class completed suicide. While i didn't know him well enough to feel sad or sorry about it, it made me realize that i need to deal with some of my own s*** before it gets overwhelming and my emotions get out of control. also it has shown me that I can get kinda Touretty when I am pissed off about stuff.

In another note WOOHOO. that is all.

For being generally,

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A New Day

First off, introductions are in order.

I am James Mahaney, of the first order of the weirdos, the fourth order of the estranged, and of the crazies. But seriously.

I am James Mahaney, I am an Eagle Scout (not palmed, if you do so care)and an Objectivist. I am a brutally honest person and will always speak my mind. My only pet-peeve is dishonesty. In fact, if everyone were honest with me, they could say the cruelest things and probably get away with me not destroying them :D. That being said, I am a squishy panda bear type of person, but am not afraid to get in vocal duels of wit.

Now that that's out of the way, the purpose of this blog is to track my life as an animation student and as a place for me to blabber my nonsensicalities with an air of insensible inhibition.

I also am in a springboard class as of yet, and this does not, in my mind, count as animation yet, i will only use this for SILLINESS!!!

Blager flager,
That is all,
His Awesomeness,